Saturday, January 12, 2019
12 - 5 pm
Ruthie Goldman Life Design Headquarters, Madison (address upon registration)
Start 2019 off with clarity and joy! Remember who you truly are and how you want to live your life.
Spend an afternoon with like-minded cool folks crafting your Core Desired Feelings in a cozy and intimate setting.
Create connection and community! Make some darn cool friends.
$75 Community Rate: rate covers cost of putting on the workshop
$100 Sustainer Rate: rate covers cost of putting on the workshop and the workshop materials
$125 Uplifter Rate: rate covers cost of putting on the workshop and the workshop materials and supports the presenter.
Complete Desire Map book available here:
Desire Map Workbook available here:
Using these links to purchase the Desire Map materials helps keep the Madison Desire Map Community thriving! Thank you!.