Hypermobility & Yoga: What is it? Why Does it Matter?
2:00 PM14:00

Hypermobility & Yoga: What is it? Why Does it Matter?

Hypermobility March 2020 PYC.jpeg

Sliding Scale: $50-75// Scholarships available // 3 Continuing Education credits available through Yoga Alliance
This workshop is geared toward:
*yoga and movement teachers and students
*anyone with hypermobility or who thinks they might be hypermobile and who wants to explore the topic

*anyone curious about practicing yoga with more stability and comfort

Register HERE

About the Workshop

Do you work with people with bodies and do you wonder how you can better help them be happier and safer in their bodies? Oh my goodness, this workshop is for YOU!

Do you have a body? Do you lock your knees when you stand? Are you REALLY good at some of the super-stretchy yoga poses? Do you keep hurting yourself in yoga? Are your joints starting to hurt?

Teachers: have you ever been perplexed why a student doesn’t understand your cues, or mixes up their left and their right, or seems to be impervious to verbal and hands-on assists? Do you see some really flexible students and wonder how to help them not hurt themselves? While I sure as heck don’t have ALL the answers, I might have some answers that make teaching hypermobile students a bit less confusing.

Students: have you ever just NOT understood the teacher’s directions? Do you go left when they go right? Do you not understand the teacher’s hands-on instructions? Don’t panic, you aren’t a weirdo. There could be some physical reasons you aren’t understanding.

General public: do you run into doors? Do you bonk your head on cabinets or seemingly obvious obstacles? Do you trip while walking down the street? Do you feel like a clattering bag of bones when you go for a run?

So many of us mistake hypermobility for just really good yoga skills, both in ourselves and in our students, and certainly on Instagram! If we have hypermobile joints, many of the modern assists, cues, and modifications can actually cause more damage to our bodies and lead to profound confusion and frustration and chronic pain.

This workshop will outline some causes of hypermobility, what may be occurring anatomically, and will help you identify hypermobility in our students and selves, and then the possible effects of ignoring hypermobility. Then we will talk about different ways to cue stability rather than just flexibility.

I get it, I know that most teachers think they know the signs of hypermobility. Trust me, there are some sneaky signs of hypermobility in action, and you will want to know what they are.

We will also discuss the very important intersection of hypermobility, anxiety, perceived clumsiness and lack of body awareness.

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Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series.  Each workshop provides tools for teachers to enhance their teaching and tools for students to make their practice more grounded and easeful.

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Movement, Well-Being & Your Vagus Nerve
2:00 PM14:00

Movement, Well-Being & Your Vagus Nerve

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Y'all! Your vagus nerve IS SO COOL! Learn why during this new workshop!

Create a more peaceful life and balanced life and practice by adding very easy techniques to your yoga practice or your day-to-day life. Learn how to integrate polyvagal theory into your yoga practice to help regulate your nervous system.


Sliding Scale: $40-60// 3 Continuing Education credits available through Yoga Alliance
This workshop is geared toward:

*students who are curious to discover new ways to regulate their nervous systems
*yoga teachers, therapists, anyone curious about how polyvagal theory can add to their teaching
*students who want to enhance their own yoga practice, and who are curious about the polyvagal theory

Register HERE

About the Workshop

We will talk about the vagus nerve, the autonomic nervous system, and polyvagal theory and its benefits. We will discuss ways to incorporate polyvagal theory into your yoga practice, and/or teaching, and why.

We will spend 3 wonderful hours together learning about how and why we should use the wisdom of Stephen Porges’s polyvagal theory in our yoga practice and in our teaching.

You will learn many ways to add to yoga in order to encourage healing and balance in our lives. Polyvagal theory has helped balance my life. I sincerely hope that this workshop will help you live a more peaceful and balanced life, as well.

This workshop will include anatomy and physiology, discussion of yoga and polyvagal theory, and a bit of yoga. The yoga practice itself will be gentle, limited and accessible to all. No one has to participate in the practice, and can complete the workshop happily and completely without any asana/yoga pose practice at all. Everyone and all abilities are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any questions about accessibility or content, please send an email to ruthie@ruthiegoldman.com.

You will learn many ways to add to yoga in order to encourage healing and balance in our lives. Polyvagal theory has helped balance my life. I sincerely hope that this workshop will help you live a more peaceful and balanced life, as well.

yoga tool kit medium blue revised.png

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series.  Each workshop provides tools for teachers to enhance their teaching and tools for students to make their practice more grounded and easeful.

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Yoga & Your Vagus Nerve
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga & Your Vagus Nerve

  • the people's yoga collective (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
vagus nerve workshop flyer.png

Sliding Scale: $40-60// 3 Continuing Education credits available through Yoga Alliance
This workshop is geared toward:

*students who are curious to discover new ways to regulate their nervous systems
*yoga teachers, therapists, anyone curious about how polyvagal theory can add to their teaching
*students who want to enhance their own yoga practice, and who are curious about the polyvagal theory

Register HERE

About the Workshop

We will talk about the vagus nerve, the autonomic nervous system, and polyvagal theory and its benefits. We will discuss ways to incorporate polyvagal theory into your yoga practice, and/or teaching, and why.

We will spend 3 wonderful hours together learning about how and why we should use the wisdom of Stephen Porges’s polyvagal theory in our yoga practice and in our teaching.

You will learn many ways to add to yoga in order to encourage healing and balance in our lives. Polyvagal theory has helped balance my life. I sincerely hope that this workshop will help you live a more peaceful and balanced life, as well.

This workshop will include anatomy and physiology, discussion of yoga and polyvagal theory, and a bit of yoga. The yoga practice itself will be gentle, limited and accessible to all. No one has to participate in the practice, and can complete the workshop happily and completely without any asana/yoga pose practice at all. Everyone and all abilities are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any questions about accessibility or content, please send an email to ruthie@ruthiegoldman.com.

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Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series.  Each workshop provides tools for teachers to enhance their teaching and tools for students to make their practice more grounded and easeful.

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Spotting & Teaching to Hypermobility
2:00 PM14:00

Spotting & Teaching to Hypermobility

  • the people's yoga collective (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
FLYER Hypermobility Oct 2019 PYC.png

Sliding Scale: $35-$50 // 3 Continuing Education credits available through Yoga Alliance
This workshop is geared toward:
*yoga, movement, circus, dance, exercise teachers
*students who are curious about practicing yoga with more stability and comfort

Register HERE

About the Workshop

Do you work with people with bodies and do you wonder how you can better help them be happier and safer in their bodies? Oh my goodness, this workshop is for YOU!

Teachers: have you ever been perplexed why a student doesn’t understand your cues, or seems to be determined to mix up their left and their right, or seems to be impervious to verbal and hands-on assists? While I sure as heck don’t have ALL the answers, I might have some answers that make teaching a bit less confusing.

Students: have you ever just NOT understood the teacher’s directions? Do you go left when they go right? Do you not understand the teacher’s hands-on instructions? Don’t panic, you aren’t a weirdo. There could be some physical reasons you aren’t understanding.

General public: do you run into doors? Do you bonk your head on cabinets or seemingly obvious obstacles? Do you trip while walking down the street? Do you feel like a clattering bag of bones when you go for a run?

So many of us mistake hypermobility for just really good yoga skills, both in ourselves and in our students, and certainly on Instagram! If we have hypermobile joints, many of the modern assists, cues, and modifications can actually cause more damage to our bodies and lead to profound confusion and frustration and chronic pain.

This workshop will outline some causes of hypermobility, what may be occurring anatomically, and will help you identify hypermobility in our students and selves, and then the possible effects of ignoring hypermobility. Then we will talk about different ways to cue stability rather than just flexibility.

I get it, I know that most teachers think they know the signs of hypermobility. Trust me, there are some sneaky signs of hypermobility in action, and you will want to know what they are.

We will also discuss the very important intersection of hypermobility, anxiety, perceived clumsiness and lack of body awareness.

yoga tool kit medium blue revised.png

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series.  Each workshop provides tools for teachers to enhance their teaching and tools for students to make their practice more grounded and easeful.

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Hypermobility & Yoga: What to Do When the Practice That Helped Us Hurts our Students
1:00 PM13:00

Hypermobility & Yoga: What to Do When the Practice That Helped Us Hurts our Students

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Hypermobility & Yoga: a workshop for teacher and bodyworkers and dancers and circus people and theatre folks -- anyone who works with people and movement!

No teacher wants students to leave class in pain, & sometimes they do. 

In this workshop, you will learn more about how to help our students stay safe and comfortable, and learn how to lead them in practices that are sustainable long-term.

Learn how to recognize the signs of hypermobility, some of the causes, & how to keep students safer. Workshop includes common, subtle, and sneaky ways hypermobility shows up in yoga practices, how to offer modifications and cues that resonate to your hypermobile students, and discussion of the frequent intersection of yoga, hypermobility, anxiety, proprioception, and interoception. 

Your students will thank you!

Especially welcome: teachers who haven’t heard about hypermobility and may be somewhat skeptical. We look forward to lots of questions! 

Sliding scale:

Community Rate $75: rate supports the cost of hosting the workshop

Sustainer Rate $100: rate supports the cost of hosting the workshop and the workshop materials

Uplifter Rate $125: rate supports the cost of hosting the workshop, the workshop materials, and supports the presenter.

4 Continuing Education credits available through Yoga Alliance

This workshop is appropriate for: yoga teachers and teachers in training, body workers, energy workers, anyone who works with humans with bodies!

curious students

anyone who lives with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or hypermobile joints who wants more support to practice yoga and move through the world safely

anyone who has taken the previous hypermobility workshops and wants to dive deeper into the topic of yoga and hypermobiility.

Register HERE

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Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series.  Each workshop provides tools for teachers to enhance their teaching and tools for students to make their practice more grounded and easeful.

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New Year's Desire Map Workshop
12:00 PM12:00

New Year's Desire Map Workshop


  • Saturday, January 12, 2019

  • 12 - 5 pm

  • Ruthie Goldman Life Design Headquarters, Madison (address upon registration)

Start 2019 off with clarity and joy! Remember who you truly are and how you want to live your life.

Spend an afternoon with like-minded cool folks crafting your Core Desired Feelings in a cozy and intimate setting. 

Create connection and community! Make some darn cool friends.

$75 Community Rate: rate covers cost of putting on the workshop

$100 Sustainer Rate: rate covers cost of putting on the workshop and the workshop materials

$125 Uplifter Rate: rate covers cost of putting on the workshop and the workshop materials and supports the presenter.

Complete Desire Map book available here: http://www.daniellelaporte.com/store/shop/books/the-desire-map-book-new.html?dlap=60758

Desire Map Workbook available here: http://www.daniellelaporte.com/store/shop/books/desire-map-workbook-single.html?dlap=60758

Using these links to purchase the Desire Map materials helps keep the Madison Desire Map Community thriving!  Thank you!.

Learn more about Danielle Laporte HERE.

Registration now open HERE!

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Tadasana In Every Asana
1:00 PM13:00

Tadasana In Every Asana

  • the people's yoga collective (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tadasana In Every Asana

tadasanain everyasana sept 2018.jpg

Start your yoga practice off with a strong foundation, or recommit to your yoga practice with a firmer foundation.

You will learn the fundamentals of the alignment in Mountain pose, and then you will learn to apply that alignment throughout your yoga practice to increase ease and comfort in your entire practice. 

We will do 90 minutes of anatomy and alignment work, sometimes involving partner and group work. (Partners are NOT required when signing up!) Then we will practice for 90 minutes to put all the principles into practice.

Sunday September23, 2018 1:00-4:00
The People's Yoga Collective
1214 Williamson St, Madison WI
sliding scale $35-$50

3 YA CE Hours

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

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Tadasana In Every Asana
1:00 PM13:00

Tadasana In Every Asana

Tadasana In Every Asana

tadasanain everyasana.jpg

You will learn the fundamentals of the alignment in Mountain pose, and then you will learn to apply that alignment throughout your yoga practice to increase ease and comfort in your entire practice!
We will do 90 minutes of anatomy and alignment work, sometimes involving partner and group work. (Partners are NOT required when signing up!) Then we will practice for 90 minutes to put all the principles into practice.
Come have fun! 

Saturday July 7, 2018 1:00-4:00
The People's Yoga Collective
1214 Williamson St, Madison WI
sliding scale $35-$50

3 YA CE Hours

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

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Anxiety, Body & Spirit at Blue Soul Yoga
1:00 PM13:00

Anxiety, Body & Spirit at Blue Soul Yoga

Tools for Teachers and Students to understand and ease the effects of anxiety on the physical and energetic bodies.

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A workshop for both students and teachers. Learn the energetic and physical effects of chronic anxiety, how to teach and practice to ease anxiety in ourselves and our students, anatomy and physiology of chronic anxiety, & come to a deeper understanding of the condition that affects so many of us and our students.

Saturday May 5th,  1-5pm
Blue Soul Yoga // Waunakee, WI
Early Bird Price until April 14: $50 // After April 14: $59

4 CE Credit Contact Hours
with Yoga Alliance

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

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Desire Map Level 1
2:00 PM14:00

Desire Map Level 1

  • Saturday, April 14, 2018
  • 2 pm to 7 pm 
  • The Peoples Yoga Collective

Rediscover your Core Desired Feelings in a safe, loving, creative, and supportive workshop.

Get inspired to create your authentic life. 
Identify Core Desired Feelings, and how you want them to be present in your life.
Create connection and community! Give and receive encouragement.  Be together. Hug and/or high five.

Participants will need the Desire Map book, available HERE or the Desire Map Workbook, available HERE.  Using these links to purchase the Desire Map materials helps keep the Madison Desire Map Community thriving!  Thank you!

Special PYC sliding scale: $50-$75.

Learn more about Danielle Laporte HERE.

Registration now open HERE!

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Weekly Online Desire Map Series!
8:00 PM20:00

Weekly Online Desire Map Series!

Registration Closed: Please stay tuned for additional online Desire Map options


I am taking my popular Desire Map workshop online, so friends and students and dear ones far and wide can join the Desire Map Community!  I LOVE designing programs for folks who ask, and boy have you ever asked for this online Desire Map session!

When I tell you that the Desire Map changed my life, I am not kidding for even one split second.  Tune in to discover how, and soon enough you will discover how this workshop will change your life.  

Rediscover your Core Desired Feelings in a safe, loving, creative, and supportive workshop. Get inspired to create your authentic life.  Identify Core Desired Feelings, and how you want them to be present in your life. Craft your own authentic, inspired, and powerful life.

Sessions will run Wednesday evenings, 9-10:30 EST/8-9:30 CST.  Login info will arrive the week before.

Sessions are designed to be 90 minutes -- just enough time for you guys to put Moana on one more time for the kiddos, or listen and chime in while you cook dinner, or bliss out with your favorite pjs on your favorite comfy couch, or nap in a hammock.  You get to do this program for YOU.

Also, though I do highly encourage you to create time to make each meeting, I am available for private make-up sessions at an additional cost.  So no excessive stress if you can't make each one -- I know how things go, believe me.

I will launch a private FB group so you can all chat with each other during the week, while you are doing the homework, or when you need an extra boost of support.

 Participants will need the Desire Map book, available HERE or the Desire Map Workbook, available HERE.  Using these links to purchase the Desire Map materials helps keep the Ruthie-based Desire Map Community thriving!  Thank you!  

Series Cost

Uplifter (pays for you and a partial scholarship for others) $150

Sustainer (pays for you): $125

Community Energizer (for those who are energetically paying it forward): $100

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1:30 PM13:30

Anxiety, Body & Spirit

Tools for Teachers and Students to understand and ease the effects of anxiety on the physical and energetic bodies.

axiety fb header.png

A workshop for both students and teachers. Learn the energetic and physical effects of chronic anxiety, how to teach and practice to ease anxiety in ourselves and our students, anatomy and physiology of chronic anxiety, & come to a deeper understanding of the condition that affects so many of us and our students.

Saturday February 24 1:30-4:30
The People's Yoga Collective
1214 Williamson St, Madison WI
sliding scale $35-$50

3 CE Credit Contact Hours
with Yoga Alliance

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series: Tools for Students and Teachers

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Desire Map Level 2 -- Goals with Soul!
10:00 AM10:00

Desire Map Level 2 -- Goals with Soul!

Welcome to the next level of clarity!  In this workshop you will get clear on your relationship with goal setting, discover how setting Goals with Soul will change your energy and your approach to your future.

You will set goals/intentions according to your core desired feelings, and discover how much deeper you can still go in your exploration and integration of desire.

It is preferred, but not necessary to have taken Level 1 to participate.  If you have read The Desire Map and discovered YOUR Core Desired Feelings, feel free to sign up!  

Participants will need the Desire Map book, available HERE.  Purchasing the Desire Map materials through this link helps the Madison Desire Map community THRIVE!  Thank you!

Before April 22, $125.  After April 22, $150.

Registration now open HERE!

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April Desire Map Workshop -- Level 1
10:00 AM10:00

April Desire Map Workshop -- Level 1

Join the growing Madison Desire Map Family in a safe, loving, creative, and supportive workshop.

Get inspired to create your authentic life. 
Identify Core Desired Feelings, and how you want them to be present in your life.
Create connection and community! Give and receive encouragement. Generate love!!
Be together. Hug and/or high five.

Please note: if we have a wonderfully big group, we will move the training to a bigger location with plenty of notice. 

Participants will need the Desire Map book, available HERE or the Desire Map Workbook, available HERE.  Using these links to purchase the Desire Map materials helps keep the Madison Desire Map Community thriving!  Thank you!

Cost:  Before March 24, $100.  After March 24, $125.

Registration now open HERE!

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Desire Map Workshop -- Level 1
10:00 AM10:00

Desire Map Workshop -- Level 1

How do YOU want to feel?

Join the brand-new Madison Desire Map Family in a safe, loving, fun, and supportive workshop.
Get inspired to create your authentic life. 
Identify Core Desired Feelings, and how you want them to be present in your life.
Create connection and community! Give and receive encouragement. Generate love!!
Be together. Hug and/or high five.

Please note: if we have a wonderfully big group, we will move the training to a bigger location with plenty of notice.

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