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Spotting & Teaching to Hypermobility

  • the people's yoga collective 1214 Williamson Street Madison, WI, 53703 United States (map)
FLYER Hypermobility Oct 2019 PYC.png

Sliding Scale: $35-$50 // 3 Continuing Education credits available through Yoga Alliance
This workshop is geared toward:
*yoga, movement, circus, dance, exercise teachers
*students who are curious about practicing yoga with more stability and comfort

Register HERE

About the Workshop

Do you work with people with bodies and do you wonder how you can better help them be happier and safer in their bodies? Oh my goodness, this workshop is for YOU!

Teachers: have you ever been perplexed why a student doesn’t understand your cues, or seems to be determined to mix up their left and their right, or seems to be impervious to verbal and hands-on assists? While I sure as heck don’t have ALL the answers, I might have some answers that make teaching a bit less confusing.

Students: have you ever just NOT understood the teacher’s directions? Do you go left when they go right? Do you not understand the teacher’s hands-on instructions? Don’t panic, you aren’t a weirdo. There could be some physical reasons you aren’t understanding.

General public: do you run into doors? Do you bonk your head on cabinets or seemingly obvious obstacles? Do you trip while walking down the street? Do you feel like a clattering bag of bones when you go for a run?

So many of us mistake hypermobility for just really good yoga skills, both in ourselves and in our students, and certainly on Instagram! If we have hypermobile joints, many of the modern assists, cues, and modifications can actually cause more damage to our bodies and lead to profound confusion and frustration and chronic pain.

This workshop will outline some causes of hypermobility, what may be occurring anatomically, and will help you identify hypermobility in our students and selves, and then the possible effects of ignoring hypermobility. Then we will talk about different ways to cue stability rather than just flexibility.

I get it, I know that most teachers think they know the signs of hypermobility. Trust me, there are some sneaky signs of hypermobility in action, and you will want to know what they are.

We will also discuss the very important intersection of hypermobility, anxiety, perceived clumsiness and lack of body awareness.

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Part of the Yoga Took Kit Series.  Each workshop provides tools for teachers to enhance their teaching and tools for students to make their practice more grounded and easeful.